For upcoming events please visit our: Calendar Page
Minutes & Treasurer’s reports:
Minutes & Treasurer’s reports:
2020 Year in Review
Although 2020 presented the Carroll County Equestrian Council with many unique challenges, the Officers and Board of Directors have volunteered to continue for 2021.
The two storage trailers at the Equestrian Center were repainted. Thanks to Joe Dragan/Carolyn Garber for trimming around the trailers so they could be painted.
Thanks to Gilbert Breeding for dragging the rings and cleaning up brush around the perimeter of the Center.
The front of the Equestrian Center was improved with perennial plantings of black-eyed susan, grasses and hydrangea.
The Equestrian Center Rings remain closed until further notice.
The Equestrian Council volunteers continued to coordinate trail work days at Union Mills, Gillis Falls, Piney Run and Morgan Run NEA. PVSP recognized CCEC for their trail work of over 100 hours at Morgan Run NEA.
The trail work days and individual trail work helped to keep the trails open, safe and accessible to all. (Please consider volunteering for a least one trail work day on your favorite trail in 2021.)
Thanks to our volunteer, Linda Polzin, for maintaining our Facebook page. Kudos to our new webmaster, Keir Knight (Plain English Writing & Design LLC.)
The format of the Department of Recreation and Parks Volunteer of the Year event was changed – the recognition is online through the Carroll County Department of Recreation and Parks website and Facebook pages.
The Carroll County Equestrian Council congratulates Gilbert and Janet Breeding who were inducted into the Recreation and Parks Hall of Fame for 2020.
The Carroll County Equestrian Council recognizes Lynda Arnold, Equestrian Center Manager, as the 2020 Volunteer of the Year.
We look forward to your membership renewal for 2021!
Darlene Welsh, President
February 2020
General Meeting February 4, 2020
Meeting held at Carroll County Office Building, 225 N. Center Street, Room 003-004 Lower Level, Westminster, MD and called to order at 7:30 by Darlene Welsh, President.
ATTENDANCE: Jon Arnold, Lynda Arnold, Anne Bennof, Janet Breeding, Joe Dragan, Jeff Degitz, Carolyn Garber, Fritzi Grow, Dave Radcliffe, Mark Schmidt, Ellen Styers, Darlene Welsh, Tina Shupp.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Meeting on 1/7/20 was cancelled due to inclement weather. Motion to approve minutes of December 3, 2019 by Janet Breeding; second by Ellen Styers. Motion passed.
TREASURER’S REPORT: December 2019 report was distributed.
EQUESTRIAN CENTER REPORT – Lynda Arnold reported the Certificate of Insurance for the Carroll County Western Circuit show dates for 2020 has been received. Dates are: 4/19, 5/3, 6/28, 7/12,8/16, 8/30, Rain date 9/20.
EQUESTRIAN CENTER MAINTENANCE REPORT – In the absence of Peggy Miller, Carolyn Garber reported the Center will be mowed by the County contract with the same vendor as used last year (Chesapeake Landscape Group.) The portable toilet is to be installed the week of March 15; contract is with the same vendor as used last year (Freedom Septic Service.) Bureau of Facilities staff, Brad Weikert and Justin Megonnell will be advised of the dates for events to be held at the Equestrian Center.
RECREATION AND PARKS REPORT: Spring Program Guide is available online. At the recent Friends of Carroll Recreation and Parks meeting, it was announced that a new procedure/form will be developed to collect volunteer hours data from each recreation council and program. Although the hours are no longer included in the Annual Report, the information is still important to the Recreation and Parks Department.
Volunteer Awards 11/05/19 – held at the Carroll Arts Center and very well attended. All five County Commissioners (Stephen Wantz,President; Richard Weaver, 2nd Vice President; Dennis Frazier; Eric Bouchat; Ed Rothstein,Vice President) attended. Mark Schmidt was recognized as the 2020 Volunteer of the Year. Joe Zentgraf was inducted into the Volunteer Hall of Fame.
Food Drive for Morgan Chapel UMC Food Pantry 12/03/19 – Carolyn provided information from Peggy Miller; 44 pounds of food was delivered.
Jeff Degitz, (Director Carroll County Recreation and Parks) provided information on the Northwest Trail update. This area is an inactive rail line approximately 7 miles long from Angel Road in Taneytown to Littlestown, PA. Since 1995 the county has tried to get control of the corridor and are now looking to preserve the corridor. Once control is obtained, the trail will be similar to the Torrey C. Brown Rail Trail (Northern Central Railroad Trail) approximately 10-12’ wide, not paved, stone
dust/dirt and or mowed edge. Parking for all users will be considered. At this time, Community Investment Plan money is scheduled to become available in 2025. Jeff Degitz indicated he will continue to update the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board and the Equestrian Council. Fritzi Grow indicated she will update members of TROT.
Jeff Degitz also provided information on the Gillis Falls Trail Update, explaining the area started as a reservoir project many years ago and acknowledged the existing trail system. The Phase I for this North/South (10-12 ‘ wide)1.25 mile trail is currently in the Community Investment Plan for FY21 and will begin to connect the Equestrian Center with Salt Box Park. Several bridges would be required. A grant application will be submitted to the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) for $300,000 and if awarded, funding will become available later in calendar year 2020. Future Phase 2 would complete the connection from Gillis Falls Road to Gillis Road.
Discussion followed regarding the width of any bridges with the consensus of 12’ width, suitable to accommodate vehicles and wooden deck flooring rather than metal was determined.
Discussion was also held regarding the Bureau of Resource Management newly announced Gillis Falls Stream Restoration project and it’s impact on the trail improvements. Jeff Degitz assured the Council that the County agencies will work together to avoid negative impact on the trail project plans.
Mark Schmidt reported seeing surveyor stakes on Saw Mill Road and on some trails. Dumping along Saw Mill Road has also become a problem. Evidently a commercial business dumped 20-30 tires and propane tanks; this has been reported to Brad Weikert at Bureau of Facilities.
Ellen Styers reported on the condition of the area around the new pipes that were installed in September 2019/Brad Rogers was contacted regarding lack of installation of rocks around the pipes.
Erosion has already started around the newly installed pipe. Since the Equestrian Council paid for the pipe, if the rock was not going to be available due to budget constraints, we should have had an opportunity to contribute to the purchase of those materials as well in order to do the complete job.
Jeff Degitz indicated he would follow up with Brad Rogers regarding the trail repair not holding up since Park Restoration Funds are now available.
2020 Calendar of Events
Gillis Falls Trail Work Days – Saturday, April 11, 2020 from 9 – noon
Sunday, September 13, 2020 from 9 – noon
FMI: Jon Arnold 301-524-8448/[email protected]
Piney Run Trail Work Days – Sunday, April 19, 2020 from 2:00 – 4:00 in recognition of Earth Day
Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 from 2:00 – 4:00 in recognition of Veterans Day
In cooperation with TROT Carroll County
FMI: Stephanie Brennan 603-573-1123/[email protected]
Union Mills Trail Work Days – Saturday, May 16, 2020 from 9:00 – noon
Saturday, Sept. 12, 2020 from 9:00 – noon
FMI: Ellen Styers 410-756-1393
Morgan Run Trail Work Days – Sunday, May 3, 2020 from 9:00 – noon
Saturday, June 6, 2020 from 9:00 – noon
Sunday, July 12, 2020 from 9:00 – noon
Saturday, Sept. 5, 2020 from 9:00 – noon
Sunday, Oct. 4, 2020 from 9:00 – noon
Sunday, Nov. 15, 2020 from 9:00 – noon
FMI: Carolyn Garber 410-549-5141/[email protected]
4-H Therapeutic Riding Program of Carroll County 2020 Horse Fair Flea Market –
To be held on Sunday, March 29, 2020 from 9:00 – 2:00 at the Shipley Arena building at the Carroll County Ag Center in Westminster, MD. Motion by Janet Breeding to participate in this promotional event; second by Darlene Welsh. Motion passed. Darlene volunteered to set up and take down the Carroll County Equestrian Council information booth. A sign up sheet to be the attendant at the booth for a 1 hour time slot will be available at the March meeting. Janet Breeding mentioned a vendor that attended last year, Red Hill Sharpening; she was very pleased with his work and suggested that if he is attending this year, we make our members aware of his service. They can bring their items to the Horse Fair to be sharpened on site.
Spring Social Dinner – Darlene Welsh announced the date is Tuesday, March 24, 2020 6:00 RockSalt Grille, 65 W. Main Street, Westminster, MD 21157. RSVP Darlene Welsh 443-289-8926 by 3/22/2020.
Equestrian Center Rental Contract/ Rules and Release for Individuals/Rules posted on Gate – documents were reviewed. Suggestion made to improve the look of the Rental Contract and correct a typo on the Rules posted on the Gate.
Facebook Page – Motion by Lynda Arnold to have CCEC meetings shown as “Events” on Facebook; second by Dave Radcliffe. Motion passed.
Website – Keir Knight (Plain English Writing & Design) is working on the website: The domain name and hosting is included.
Inclement weather policy – suggestion was made by Darlene Welsh to replace “Recreation Council” with Equestrian Council so text would be: If schools are closed for the day due to inclement weather, all Equestrian Council activities are cancelled. If schools have an early dismissal due to inclement weather, the Equestrian Council activities are cancelled.
Equestrian Center page – suggestion was made by Lynda Arnold to clarify the “click here” after “Lesson/horses are not provided” so it goes directly to the Maryland Directory of Lesson & Boarding Stables on the Equiery/MHC site.
Public Comment Sought for Hunting and Trapping Seasons – Janet Breeding announced the DNR will accept public comment on the proposed changes to the 2020-2022 Migratory Game Bird Seasons; meetings to be held at Wye Mills on 2/10/20 and in Hagerstown on 2/11/20. FMI: 410-260-8540. Information will be provided to Linda Polzin for the Facebook page.
Improvements to Morgan Run NEA – Janet Breeding shared information from Delegate Susan Krebs email regarding $510,000 to be spend on the Forestry office exterior renovations ($40,000) replacing a bridge and repairing roadbed overlay ($450,000) and renovations for a storage shed exterior ($20,000.) The Forestry Office is located at Morgan Run Center, 328 E. Nicodemus Road, Westminster, MD.
Motion to adjourn by Dave Radcliffe; second by Joe Dragan. Meeting adjourned 8:45 p.m.
at our
March 24, 2020
6:00 p.m.
RockSalt Grille Restaurant, Raw Bar and Tavern
65 West Main Street
Westminster, MD
“If you’re looking for a great restaurant in Westminster, MD, RockSalt Grille is a part of Main Streets’ growing dining scene. With a fresh seafood menu and the town’s only Raw Bar, RockSalt Grille provides guests with a casual relaxed atmosphere where they can enjoy delicious food, signature cocktails and a variety of great beers on tap.”
RSVP by 03/22/20
Darlene Welsh 443-289-8926
December 2019
General Meeting December 3, 2019
Meeting held at Carroll County Office Building, 225 N. Center Street, Room 003-004 Lower Level, Westminster, MD and called to order at 7:30 by Darlene Welsh, President.
ATTENDANCE: Lynda Arnold, Carolyn Garber, Peggy Miller, Dave Radcliffe, Mark Schmidt, Ellen Styers, Darlene Welsh, Tina Shupp.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Motion to approve minutes of October 1, 2019 by Peggy Miller; second by Dave Radcliffe. Motion passed.
TREASURER’S REPORT: For October 2019 and November 2019. The portable toiled at Morgan Run NEA will be removed 12/02/19.
EQUESTRIAN CENTER REPORT – Lynda Arnold reported the Center is closed for the season. The combination to the riding rings will be changed in March 2020. Lynda indicated Carroll County Western Circuit has submitted their show dates for 2020/dates will be announced upon receipt of the Certificate of Insurance. Burnt Woods Pony Club has also expressed interest in renting the facility in 2020.
Rental Fees for 2020
Motion by Lynda Arnold to retain the same fee schedule for 2020 (Youth Equine Organizations 4-H, Pony Club) $150 Per Day; Other Equine Organizations $225 Per Day; Instructions in the ring (by reservation) $10/Per Student/Per Lesson. Instructors and students must sign a release. Reservations require a certificate of insurance for $1,000,000 liability insurance protection; second by Carolyn Garber. Motion passed.
EQUESTRIAN CENTER MAINTENANCE REPORT – Peggy Miller expressed thanks to Gil Breeding for the wonderful job he did with the sickle-bar mower. Thanks to the Harrisons for leaving the Equestrian Center in such great shape after their event and for replacing some boards on Ring 2.
Harrison Mule Days 10/4 – 6/19 – Elisha Harrison reported (via email) that approximately 2,000 attended which included 35 campers/competitors from MD, PA, VA, NY, OH. The saddle, donated by Mark Schmidt/CCEC brought $550.00 for their scholarship fund.
Morgan Run Trail Work Day 10/06/19 – Carolyn Garber reported thanks to Theone Andrew & Randy Hulse, Karen & Frank Durilla and Buddy, Mark Schmidt and the mowing team of Sue Donaldson, Paul Farinholt and Gina Miller.
Morgan Run Trail Work Day 11/10/19 – Carolyn Garber reported thanks to Theone Andrew & Randy Hulse, Gail Boone, Barb Carr, Howard & Mary Lanham, Beth & Pete Stenger, mowing team of Sue Donaldson and Paul Farinholt. (Thanks to Howard & Marty Lanham for providing hot dogs and drinks for the volunteers.)
Piney Run Trail Work Day 10/13/19 – Stephanie Brennan reported via email that she and Mike Macella worked on the trails that day.
October 2019
General Meeting October 1, 2019
Meeting held at Carroll County Office Building, 225 N. Center Street, Room 003-004 Lower Level, Westminster, MD and called to order at 7:30 by Darlene Welsh, President.
ATTENDANCE: Lynda Arnold, Janet Breeding, Carolyn Garber, Peggy Miller, Dave Radcliffe, Mark Schmidt, Ellen Styers, Darlene Welsh, Tina Shupp.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Motion to approve minutes of September 3, 2019 by Janet Breeding; second by Dave Radcliffe. Motion passed.
TREASURER’S REPORT: September 2019. Peggy reported the CD for $15,401.09 was renewed for 6 months @1.75% and an additional CD for $5,000 was purchased for 6 months @1.75%.
EQUESTRIAN CENTER REPORT – Lynda Arnold reported the improvements to the entrance of the Center are greatly appreciated. Lynda also reported difficulty with the wire to one of the speakers and problems with the microphone. Mark Schmidt offered to donate a microphone from his supply of band equipment since it is probably the same type.
Lynda reported the Burnt Woods Pony Club will use the Center on 10/19/19 for a Games Challenge.
EQUESTRIAN CENTER MAINTENANCE REPORT – Peggy Miller reported she contacted DWM Roofing/David Morris for an estimate to replace the roof on each of the two dressage judges stands. DWM Roofing replaced the plywood and installed new shingles/work has been completed. Labor and materials were donated by DWM Roofing/David Morris and thank you was sent.
DWM Roofing/David Morris, 518 Mabe Drive, Woodbine, MD 21797
Specializing in Wind Damage Shingle Repair, FRT Plywood Replacement,
Tear Offs, Skylights, Repairs, Gutters, Downspouts.
(Licensed/Bonded/Insured MHIC 122983)
Free estimates 410-489-6956 / [email protected]
Peggy also reported weeds inside the ring have been treated, the locks on Ring 2 and on the Biddison Building have been replaced; the Center is ready for Harrison Mule Days October 4,5,6.
RECREATION AND PARKS REPORT – Tina Shupp reported the Volunteer Awards will be held on Tuesday, 11/05/19 at the Carroll Arts Center; light refreshments at 6:30; program at 7:00 p.m. No CCEC Meeting on 11/05/19.
Carroll County Equestrian Council will recognize Joe Zentgraf for the Hall of Fame and will recognize Mark Schmidt as the Volunteer of the Year 2019.
The hunting season calendars have been posted on the sign boards at the Union Mills Trails areas and at Gillis Falls and Morgan Run NEA.
March 2019
General Meeting March 5, 2019
Location and Time:
Meeting held at Carroll County Office Building, 225 N. Center Street, Room 003-004 Lower Level, Westminster, MD and called to order at 7:35 by Darlene Welsh, President.
Lynda Arnold, Janet Breeding, Carolyn Garber, Peggy Miller, Darlene Welsh, Becky Kishter.
Secretary’s Report:
Motion to approve minutes of 12/04/18 by Peggy Miller; second by Lynda Arnold. Motion passed. No meeting held on 1/1/19 or on 2/5/19.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer’s Report PDF
Equestrian Center Report: Lynda Arnold
Lynda reported the Center is reserved on 4/28, 5/11, 5/26. 6/23, 7/7, 8/4, 8/25, 9/8. Lynda also reported receiving a phone call on 3/2/19 from a neighbor reporting that the window on the Biddison Building was open. Evidently the latch had not been secured properly and the extreme winds blew it open; window was secured; no damage to the interior of the building. The mowing contract at the Center was renewed by the County with Les Phelps/Phelps Lawn Care, Inc. (per Tom Robertson.) The County contract for the portable toilets was renewed with Freedom Septic Services, Inc. (Contact: Christy Sheubrooks) with no price increase.
2019 Fee schedule for the Center was reviewed – (Youth Equine Organizations $150/Per Day; Other Equine Organizations $225/Per Day; Instructions in the ring by reservation $10/per student/per lesson.) Motion by Darlene Welsh to continue the current fees; second by Peggy Miller. Motion passed.
Peggy Miller prepared a “job description” to recruit someone for this position; she will continue with maintenance on the cross-country jumps. The condition of the entrance to the Center was discussed; repairs will need to be made prior to 4/28/19 in order to access the area.
Becky Kishter reported the Department notified all Recreation Councils to update their By-laws Roberts Rules of Order section. (The section is to read as follows: “Recreation council meetings shall be run in a manner that is generally consistent with Roberts Rules of Order in that there should be an agenda, minutes shall be kept and decisions shall be made after a motion and a second followed by a vote. No version of Roberts Rules of Order shall overrule a recreation council’s by-laws. Furthermore, the overall goal of the Department of Recreation and Parks and this Council is to promote and facilitate community involvement in the decision making process so that the Council accurately represents its constituents.”)
Trails Expansion in Union Mills – Tony Rosas on the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board has expressed an interest in expanding trails in Union Mills, off Saw Mill Road. A map of the potential area is provided.
Needs assessment survey/Capital Improvements Program – letter dated 2/22/19 to all Recreation Councils asking for projects to be considered for the capital budget process; deadline to submit is 3/15/19. (Note: Gillis Falls Trails expansion is already in the CIP.)
Old Business
Hunter’s parking area at Gillis Falls
Trails/Gate/lock/barriers on sides of gates – no report,
New Business
MD DNR Public Information Meeting
held on 2/21/19 in Owings Mills, MD to discuss 15 year deer management plan – Janet Breeding reported she and Darlene Welsh attended. A variety of stakeholders were invited to the first meeting – the Maryland Horse Council was invited to represent horse people (name of attendee unknown.) A few interesting statistics: 75-80,000 deer hunters in Maryland; 7.5 million dollars in crop damage done last year by deer; only 2-3% of Marylanders hunt.
Comment period has been extended to March 15, 2019.
2009-2018 Maryland White-tailed Deer Plan
Online Comment Forum
Public Opinion Survey Report PublicOpinionSurvey.pdf
4-H Therapeutic Riding Program Horse Fair
Sunday, March 24, 2019 10:00 – 3:00
at Shipley Arena, Carroll County Ag Center, Westminster, MD – Carolyn Garber reported the information booth will need to be manned. Promotional materials will be available at the booth.
Preakness Week
Black Eyed Susan on Friday, May 17, 2019 – Motion to have Tina Shupp make arrangements for a 10 passenger County van/driver by Janet Breeding; second by Lynda Arnold. Motion passed. Individual tickets to be purchased separately by those attending. Seating is limited. Details to be determined.
Calendar of Events 2019
Piney Run Trail Work Days
Sunday, March 17, 2019 – St. Patrick’s Day Theme – Noon – 3:00
Light trail lunch provided/prize for the most green! FMI: Stephanie Brennan 603-573-1123, [email protected]
Saturday, October 19, 2019 – 10 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Light lunch/pot luck provided at 1:00 FMI: Stephanie Brennan 603-573-1123 [email protected]
Gillis Falls Trail Work Days
Saturday, April 13, 2019 – 9:00 – Noon
FMI: Jon Arnold [email protected]
Sunday, September 15, 2019 9:00 – Noon
FMI: Jon Arnold [email protected]
Union Mills Trail Work Days
Saturday, June 22, 2019 – Celebrate 1st Day of Summer 10:00 – 1:00. Light lunch/pot luck provided at 1:00. FMI: Stephanie Brennan 603-573-1123 [email protected]
Morgan Run Trail Work Days,
Registration/Release forms are to be completed at each trail work day and returned to the Secretary (Carolyn Garber) for the file. Carolyn will provide the forms to Stephanie Brennan and Jon Arnold prior to each trail work day.
Motion to adjourn by Lynda Arnold; second by Janet Breeding. Meeting adjourned 8:30 p.m.
December 2018
General Meeting December 4, 2018
Location and Time:
Meeting held at Carroll County Office Building, 225 N. Center Street, Room 003-004 Lower Level, Westminster, MD and called to order at 7:40 by Darlene Welsh, President.
Jon Arnold, Stephanie Brennan, Carolyn Garber, Peggy Miller, Dave Radcliffe, Darlene Welsh, Tina Shupp.
Secretary’s Report:
Motion to approve minutes of 10/02/18 by Dave Radcliffe; second by Peggy Miller. Motion passed. Motion to approve minutes of 11/06/19 by Dave Radcliffe; second by Peggy Miller. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
Peggy Miller reported checkbook balance $12,703.28 and CD balance $15,157.47 for total assets of $27,860.75
Equestrian Center Report: Lynda Arnold
No report.
Peggy Miller reported the grounds look great!
Request for a Volunteer Maintenance Manager – Peggy Miller will prepare a “job description” to recruit someone for this position; she will continue with maintenance on the cross-country jumps.
The appearance of the entrance to the Equestrian Center was discussed. Tina Shupp will contact Road/Facilities to see what can be done to eliminate the continuing problem with the drainage ditch and run off that damages the parking area.
Tina Shupp reported the Winter Program Guide is available.
Old Business
Morgan Run Trail Work Day
Sunday 11/11/18 – Carolyn Garber thanked Mickey Rogers and Dave Radcliffe for helping clear overgrowth that day.
New Business
Field Trip to Black Eyed Susan Day
(Friday May 17, 2019) Tina Shupp reported the cost of a 28 passenger vehicle would be $1000 or a County van (10 passenger) driven by County staff may be available. Discussion was held regarding pricing of individually purchased tickets and length of time to be spent there. To be continued.
Special Programs
In order to be able to have a program that interests members, we need to hear from our members. Please contact Darlene Welsh 443-289-8926 with suggestions. Carolyn Garber suggested a presentation by the 4-H Horse Bowl participants; this would give them a “practice demonstration.”
Calendar of Events 2019
Piney Run Trail Work Days
Sunday, March 17, 2019 – St. Patrick’s Day Theme – Noon – 3:00
Light trail lunch provided/prize for the most green! FMI: Stephanie Brennan 603-573-1123, [email protected]
Saturday, October 19, 2019 – 10 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Light lunch/pot luck provided at 1:00 FMI: Stephanie Brennan 603-573-1123 [email protected]
Gillis Falls Trail Work Days
Saturday, April 13, 2019 – 9:00 – Noon
FMI: Jon Arnold [email protected]
Sunday, September 15, 2019 9:00 – Noon
FMI: Jon Arnold [email protected]
Union Mills Trail Work Days
Saturday, June 22, 2019 – Celebrate 1st Day of Summer 10:00 – 1:00. Light lunch/pot luck provided at 1:00. FMI: Stephanie Brennan 603-573-1123 [email protected]
Morgan Run Trail Work Days,
Registration/Release forms are to be completed at each trail work day and returned to the Secretary (Carolyn Garber) for the file. Carolyn will provide the forms to Stephanie Brennan and Jon Arnold prior to each trail work day.
Motion to adjourn by Dave Radcliffe; second by Jon Arnold. Meeting adjourned 8:55 p.m.
November 2018
General Meeting November 6, 2018
Location and Time:
Meeting held at Carroll County Office Building, 225 N. Center Street, Room 003-004 Lower Level, Westminster, MD and called to order at 7:30 by Darlene Welsh, President.
Lynda Arnold, Janet Breeding, Carolyn Garber, Peggy Miller, Dave Radcliffe, Darlene Welsh, Tina Shupp.
Secretary’s Report:
Minutes of 10/02/18 were not available.
Treasurer’s Report:
October 2018. The CD was renewed with BB&T; $5000 from the checking account was moved over to the CD; to renew next on 9/4/19.
Treasurer’s Report PDF
Equestrian Center Report: Lynda Arnold
Lynda Arnold reported Pony Club has made an inquiry regarding a date for the Center of 2019.
Carolyn Garber reported receipt of an email from Tom Lupp, Regional Entomologist, Maryland Department of Agriculture, Forest Pest Management indicating he was conducting a gypsy moth egg mass survey in the woods at the Equestrian Center on 10/10/18 and found no evidence of gypsy moth. He did find water in the tires used for the horse jump and recommended that holes be drilled in several locations in each tire to allow water to drain no matter which way the tires rest on the pipe for mosquito control.
Peggy Miller reported electrical repairs to the underground wiring were required; the wiring is now installed in conduit and to code – total expenditure $672.00. Several boards on Ring 2 were replaced by the Harrisons after Mule Days; refund of security deposit will be made. Thanks to the Harrisons for another great event! Thank you was sent to Carroll County Bureau of Facilities to thank the staff for help with the front of the Equestrian Center prior to Harrison Mule Days.
Request for a Volunteer Maintenance Manager – Peggy Miller will prepare a “job description” to recruit someone for this position; she will continue with maintenance on the cross-country jumps.
Tina Shupp reported Lisa Carroll does a quarterly newsletter to schools; if there is information to share with that age group, to forward to Lisa. The Winter Program Guide is now available.
Old Business
Trail Closed – Union Mills
from John Owings Road parking lot – Remains closed indefinitely
Morgan Run Trail Work Day
Sunday 10/7/18 – Carolyn Garber reported although she was unable to attend to see three mowers that day, thanks to (“The Mowers”: Sue Donaldson, Paul Farinholt and Gina Miller) and to Theone Andrew & Randy Hulse, Frank & Karen Durilla & Buddy, Carol Linton, Mickey Rogers, and JoAnn Sowa for the help that makes a difference at Morgan Run NEA.
Fall Social Dinner 10/16/18 at Basta Pasta
approximately 20 attended and enjoyed a wonderful meal!
2018 Volunteer of the Year
held on 11/01/18 at the Carroll Arts Center. The Equestrian Council recognized Theone Andrew and Randy Hulse for their dedication to trail work at Morgan Run NEA.
Photo and text will be posted on Facebook.
2018-2019 Hunting Season Calendars
Calendars were mailed to members and have been posted on Facebook. The January 2019 calendar for Gillis Falls/Union Mills was missing and will be included in the minutes.
New Business
Trail hazards – Union Mills
from Saw Mill Road area. Carolyn received a call from Ellen Styers who reported water bars washed out. Detailed photos/directions to the area were submitted to Brad Rogers (Bureau Chief of Parks) on 10/1018. (After the meeting – response was received 11/19/18 indicating when weather permits, area will be addressed.) Ellen Styers had also reported conditions to Tom Robertson regarding holes in the trail behind Kowomu Trail parking lot. Ellen Styers reported on 10/23/18 that repairs to the holes were made; thank you was sent to Tom Robertson (Bureau of Facilities.)
Harrison Mule Days Silent Auction
Motion by Janet Breeding to donate bucket of items to include gift cards, 1-year membership, CCEC cap and miscellaneous other items; second by Lynda Arnold. Motion passed.
Fall Social Dinner
to be held on Tuesday, October 16, 2018 (6:00 p.m.) at Basta Pasta, 5957 Exchange Drive, Eldersburg, MD. RSVP to Darlene Welsh.
Nomination of Officers and Board of Directors for 2019
Motion by Peggy Miller to nominate the existing slate of Officer and Board of Directors; second by Janet Breeding. Motion passed.
Calendar of Events 2019
Piney Run Trail Work Days
Sunday, March 17, 2019 – St. Patrick’s Day Theme – Noon – 3:00
Light trail lunch provided/prize for the most green! FMI: Stephanie Brennan 603-573-1123, [email protected]
Saturday, October 19, 2019 – 10 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Light lunch/pot luck provided at 1:00 FMI: Stephanie Brennan 603-573-1123 [email protected]
Gillis Falls Trail Work Days
Saturday, April 13, 2019 – 9:00 – Noon
FMI: Jon Arnold [email protected]
Sunday, September 15, 2019 9:00 – Noon
FMI: Jon Arnold [email protected]
Union Mills Trail Work Days
Saturday, June 22, 2019 – Celebrate 1st Day of Summer 10:00 – 1:00. Light lunch/pot luck provided at 1:00. FMI: Stephanie Brennan 603-573-1123 [email protected]
Saturday, November 2, 2019 – Halloween Theme 10:00 – 1:00. Light lunch/pot luck provided at 1:00. Prize for the best Halloween costume. FMI: Stephanie Brennan 603-573-1123 [email protected]
Nomination of Officers and Board of Directors for 2019
Motion by Peggy Miller to nominate the existing slate of Officer and Board of Directors; second by Janet Breeding. Motion passed.
Motion to adjourn by Dave Radcliffe; second by Lynda Arnold. Meeting adjourned 8:05 p.m.
October 2018
General Meeting October 2, 2018
Location and Time:
Meeting held at Carroll County Office Building, 225 N. Center Street, Room 003-004 Lower Level, Westminster, MD and called to order at 7:35 by Darlene Welsh, President.
Lynda Arnold, Janet Breeding, Carolyn Garber, Peggy Miller, Darlene Welsh, Tina Shupp.
Secretary’s Report:
Motion to approve minutes of June 5, 2018 by Lynda Arnold; second by Peggy Miller. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
See attached report for June/July/August/September 2018.
Treasurer’s Report PDF
Equestrian Center Report: Lynda Arnold
Lynda Arnold reported the Carroll County Wester Circuit will return the keys to the center on 10/08/18. The CCWC is considering 6 show dates for 2019. A new organization for barrel racing is forming, to be known as Old Line Equine; shows will be held at the Ag Center in Westminster, MD.
Peggy Miller reported four jumps were repaired last week and a new jump was constructed – total expenditure $608.90. Thanks to County Facilities staff for removing the trees that had fallen. The concrete bases for the post/cable at the front of the center is exposed due to the severe erosion in that area.
Request for a Volunteer Maintenance Manager – Peggy Miller will prepare a “job description” to recruit someone for this position; she will continue with maintenance on the cross-country jumps.
Tina Shupp reported new email address for all county staff will now show as “”. The annual Volunteer of the Year event will be held on November 1, 2018 at the Carroll Arts Center; volunteer hours are to be submitted to Lisa Carroll to be included in the Recreation and Parks Annual Report. The “Santa Calling” event in December needs volunteers for the phone center. Carolyn Garber reported she requested the wording for a release for volunteers using their own mowing equipment on trail work days from Lisa Carroll.
Old Business
Special Program
Tuesday, July 3, 2018 at Persimmon Tree Farm – hosted by Carolyn Krome – Darlene Welsh reported 7 members enjoyed the tour and were very interested in the pollinator meadow and information on the environmental award received by the Kromes.
Morgan Run Trail Work Day
Sunday 7/8/18 – Carolyn Garber thanked Theone Andrew & Randy Hulse, Stephanie Brennan & Mike Macella, Sue Donaldson, Frank & Karen Durilla & Buddy, Howard & Marty Lanham, Gina Miller, Mickey Rogers, Beth & Pete Stenger for their efforts to keep the overgrowth under control.
No meeting was held on August 7, 2018
Happy Vacation to all!
Morgan Run Trail Work Day
Saturday, 9/1/18 – Cancelled due to rain.
Special Program
Tuesday, September 4, 2018 – Paul Drake, equine dentist, provided a very interesting program that was well attended. A thank you note was sent from the Council.
Gillis Falls Trail Work Day
Sunday, September 16, 2018 – Via email Jon Arnold reported five people attended the work day. Thanks to all!
Status of request to secure lower gate at Equestrian Center
(Hunter’s parking lot) – no change yet.
New Business
Trail Closed – Union Mills
from John Owings Road parking lot – via email on 8/9/18, CCEC was notified of the trail closure due to collapse of the trail. Information has been shared via email, Facebook and website. Darlene Welsh reported Jessica Dustin contacted her and is interested in helping with the Union Mills trails.
Harrison Mule Days Silent Auction
Motion by Janet Breeding to donate bucket of items to include gift cards, 1-year membership, CCEC cap and miscellaneous other items; second by Lynda Arnold. Motion passed.
Fall Social Dinner
to be held on Tuesday, October 16, 2018 (6:00 p.m.) at Basta Pasta, 5957 Exchange Drive, Eldersburg, MD. RSVP to Darlene Welsh.
Nomination of Officers and Board of Directors for 2019
Motion by Peggy Miller to nominate the existing slate of Officer and Board of Directors; second by Janet Breeding. Motion passed.
Motion to adjourn by Janet Breeding; second by Peggy Miller. Meeting adjourned 9:00 p.m.
June 2018
General Meeting June 6, 2018
Location and Time:
Meeting held at Carroll County Office Building, 225 N. Center Street, Room 003-004 Lower Level, Westminster, MD and called to order at 7:35 by Darlene Welsh, President.
Janet Breeding, Carolyn Garber, Peggy Miller, Darlene Welsh, Tina Shupp.
Secretary’s Report:
Motion to approve minutes of May 1, 2018 by Peggy Miller; second by Janet Breeding. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
See attached report for May 2018. View
Equestrian Center Report: Lynda Arnold
No report.
Peggy Miller reported the mowing done by the contractor hired by the County (Les Phelps) is doing a wonderful job. The Burnt Woods Pony Club event was held on May 12 instead of May 19. The Carroll County Western Show scheduled for May 13 was cancelled due to rain. Peggy reported that a large tree limb has fallen on the drag. The parking lot along the road is really washed away and rutted. The cross country jump course is comprised of 14 jumps, 9 of which have been damaged by 4WD vehicles and ATVs. Peggy will prepare a report to submit to the Sheriff’s Office that will include photos of the damaged jumps and will get pricing to repair or replace each jump. Carolyn volunteered to contact Linda Polzin to help with photos of the jumps.
Tina Shupp reported the Bruce Dutterer Memorial Golf Tournament was rescheduled for 6/30/18. Discount Amusement Park tickets are available at Recreation and Parks Office.
Old Business
Morgan Run Trail Work Day
Saturday, 5/8/18 – Carolyn Garber reported it cancelled due to wet conditions.
Morgan Run Trail Work Day
Saturday, 6/2/19 – Carolyn Garber reported due to wet conditions rescheduled to Saturday June 9.
Status of request to secure lower gate at Equestrian Center
Carolyn Garber reported an email request was sent to Facilities on 4/2/18, 5/6/18, 6/3/18 with no response. (*After this meeting – email response from Facilities received 6/8/18 stating “We will do some modifications to both to protect the lock and barricade the sides of the gate.”)
New Business
Special Program for Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Darlene Welsh reported that Carolyn Krome/Persimmon Tree Farm has extended an invitation to CCEC. She will host the July meeting at her farm to share conservation plan practices and provide a farm tour. See flyer for details
4-H/FFA Fair Silent Auction
Darlene Welsh asked if the CCEC would donate items this year. Discussion followed and consensus was to pass this year.
Reminder: No meeting on August 7, 2018
Enjoy your vacation!
Special Program for Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Darlene Welsh reported that Equine Dentist Paul Drake will provide an informational program on equine dental needs and practices.
Darlene Welsh advised we still need a Trail Work Day coordinator
for the Union Mills Trails. If you ride the trails in the Union Mills area and would be willing to lead 2 – 3 trail work days during the year, please contact Darlene Welsh at 443-289-8926.
Motion to adjourn by Janet Breeding; second by Peggy Miller. Meeting adjourned 8:35 p.m.
May 2018
General Meeting May 1, 2018
Location and Time:
Meeting held at Carroll County Office Building, 225 N. Center Street, Room 003-004 Lower Level, Westminster, MD and called to order at 7:35 by Darlene Welsh, President.
Lynda Arnold, Janet Breeding, Carolyn Garber, Peggy Miller, Darlene Welsh, Lisa Carroll.
Secretary’s Report:
Motion to approve minutes of April 3, 2018 by Janet Breeding; second by Lynda Arnold. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report for April 2018. Peggy reported the deposit refund check issued earlier to Capital Region Pony Club has been cashed even though the check was 10 months old. There are no outstanding checks. Two donations for the portable toilet at Morgan Run have been received – thank you notes were sent to Ed Derrenberger and Howard & Marty Lanham. View
Equestrian Center Report: Lynda Arnold
Lynda Arnold reported the water was turned on at the Center in preparation for the seasons events and a microphone is broken and needs to be replaced. Lynda also reported that a user at the Center reported the poor condition of one of the cross country jumps (Howard County Pony Club jump.) Since CCEC is a volunteer organization, Carolyn Garber volunteered to contact the person who reported the condition of the jump to recruit volunteers to repair the jump. Lynda reported the telephone calls have been made to provide the new combination to the locks on the rings to those members who have a current Rules/Release on file.
Peggy Miller reported fence boards were replaced prior to the 4/29/18 show. Peggy indicated there is still one section at the Center that is not being mowed that is to be included in the mowing. Lynda will contact Les Phelps to provide the information to him.
Lisa Carroll indicated nothing to report.
Old Business
Gillis Falls Trail Work Day – Saturday, 4/28/18
Peggy Miller reported problems with the tractor that day (corroded battery connectors/repairs were made.) Jon Arnold reported via email that there were 8 people that worked on trimming back brush and cutting out some downed trees. Thanks to Jon Arnold & Lucy Arnold, Linda Gasch, Tracy Loppatto, Mike Macella, Stephanie Brennan and Peggy Miller! (One name is missing….please provide!)
New Business
Special Program for Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Darlene Welsh reported that Carolyn Krome/Persimmon Tree Farm has extended an invitation to CCEC. She will host the July meeting at her farm to share conservation plan practices and provide a farm tour. See flyer for details
Reminder: No meeting on August 7, 2018
Enjoy your vacation!
Special Program for Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Darlene Welsh reported that Equine Dentist Paul Drake will provide an informational program on equine dental needs and practices.
Darlene Welsh advised we still need a Trail Work Day coordinator
for the Union Mills Trails. If you ride the trails in the Union Mills area and would be willing to lead 2 – 3 trail work days during the year, please contact Darlene Welsh at 443-289-8926.
Motion to adjourn by Peggy Miller; second by Lynda Arnold. Meeting adjourned 8:25 p.m.
April 2018
General Meeting April 3, 2018
Location and Time:
Meeting held at Carroll County Office Building, 225 N. Center Street, Room 003-004 Lower Level, Westminster, MD and called to order at 7:35 by Darlene Welsh, President.
Lynda Arnold, Janet Breeding, Carolyn Garber, Pam Boone-Guercio, Peggy Miller, Dave Radcliffe, Darlene Welsh, Tina Shupp.
Secretary’s Report:
Motion to approve minutes of March 6, 2018 by Lynda Arnold; second by Peggy Miller. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
Report for February 2018. Peggy Miller provided the checking account balance for March is $17,420.43. Peggy also reported that membership for 2018 is very close to the same as 2017. Carolyn Garber added that most of those who have not renewed to date are Equestrian Center users. Peggy reported the deposit refund check issued earlier to Pony Club is still outstanding/has not been presented for payment and will not be honored for payment since it is more than 6 months old. Discussion was held regarding the importance of the return of the check to comply with standard financial procedures.
Equestrian Center Report: Lynda Arnold
Lynda Arnold met with members of Carroll County Western Circuit at the Center and reminded them that in order to be able to ride in the rings as individuals (not on Show Dates) membership in the Equestrian Council is required and Rules/Release forms must be signed and on file for each individual. Carolyn offered to prepare info sheet that can be distributed to the members of the CCWC in the Exhibitors Packet. Linda reported the Burnt Woods Pony Club Mounted Games event date has been changed from 5/12/18 to 5/19/18. Discussion was held regarding the changing of the combination to the rings/the new combination will be installed on 4/21/18. Current members will receive the new combination via phone call (person to person) from Lynda Arnold, Equestrian Center Manager. Carolyn Garber offered to assist in making the phone calls. Note: the new combination will not be sent by email/left on a voice mail and is not to be shared with non-members.
Tina Shupp provided Spring Program Guides featuring events and activities. The 3rd annual Golf Tournament to support the Park Legacy Fund has been renamed to “Bruce Dutterer Memorial Golf Tournament” and will be held on Friday, May 18, 2018 at Oakmont Green. (Note the date shown in the Spring Program Guide Monday, May 21 is incorrect.) A community yard sale will be held Saturday, 4/21/18, at the South Carroll Senior & Community Center. A facility use permit was issued to TROT for Piney Run Equestrian Trails parking area for Thursday, May 24 and Friday, May 25. Signs have been posted on the information board at the parking area on Martz Road (off Liberty Road) in Eldersburg.
Old Business
4-H Therapeutic Riding Program/Horse Fair
Darlene Welsh reported the event was held on Sunday, March 18,2018 from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at the Shipley Arena, Carroll County Ag Center in Westminster. The event was well attended and there were several more vendors this year. Thanks to Lynda Arnold, Janet Breeding, Joe Dragan, Carolyn Garber and Darlene Welsh. Lynda Arnold suggested the Equestrian Council have a plastic bag and crayons to give away with the coloring pages at the next promotional event; she will obtain prices on the items that would include the CCEC logo.
Social Dinner at E. W. Beck’s Restaurant & Pub in Sykesville
Darlene Welsh reported the event was postponed from March 20 (due to snow) and was held on March 27 with 15 members: Lynda Arnold, Janet Breeding, Joe Dragan & Carolyn Garber, Kyle & Mike Gafney, Marty & Howard Lanham, Peggy & Bob Miller, Dave & Susie Radcliffe, Art & Judy Thacher, Darlene Welsh. A delicious meal was enjoyed by all.
Special Programs
Darlene Welsh reported she contacted Janie Dell in regards to a presentation on Nutrient Management; she is no longer in that position. Request to members to offer suggestions/presenters for Special Programs will be included again in the minutes.
New Business
Janet Breeding reported a recent incident
in the Gillis Falls Trails area where an individual hauling an ATV asked a local resident about riding on the Gillis Falls Trails and presented information on a website ( that indicated ATV trails were available. An internet search during the meeting revealed the website and information that had been referred. Discussion was held regarding the amount of information on the web/apps that cannot be controlled. Reminder to call Carroll County Sheriff’s Office (410-386-2900 Ext 5 for Duty Officer) if ATVs are on the property/trails.
Carolyn Garber reported that after last month’s discussion regarding the easy access to the Gillis Falls Trails by 4WD Pickups and ATVs at the lower parking lot on Grimville Road, a request to lock the county gate and install barriers on each side of the gate was made to Bureau of Facilities Chief.
Piney Run Equestrian Trails
Darlene Welsh reported the Ag Commission needs an Equine representative for a 3-year term. Application is available on the Carroll County Government website: ccg/boards/apply.aspx.
Carroll County Agricultural Commission
Darlene Welsh reported the Ag Commission needs an Equine representative for a 3-year term. Application is available on the Carroll County Government website: ccg/boards/apply.aspx.
Maryland Department of Natural Resources Land Preservation and Recreation Survey Now Open
Janet Breeding reported this survey opened 2/6/18 where citizens and visitors are encouraged to provide feedback. Go to to complete the survey and keep equestrian access to State owned land. “The Maryland Department of Natural Resources invites residents and nonresidents to share their thoughts on land acquisition, conservation and recreation in the state by completing the Maryland Land Preservation and Recreation Plan Survey. Individuals who complete the 3-5 minute online survey will be entered into a random drawing to win Maryland Park Service day-use passes.The survey, which includes questions on outdoor activities, amenities and services like camping, fishing and hunting, helps guide the department’s decision-making, investments and programming.Results will be incorporatd into the Land Preservation and Recreation Plan, which is required to receive federal funding from the National Park Service’s Land and Water Conservation Fund. “Taking the pulse of our customers, guests and users is essential to our strategic development, planning and prioritization goals and needs,” Maryland Natural Resources Secretary Mark Belton said. “Are we meeting our customers’ expectations by providing them exceptional outdoor recreation opportunities? Are we shortchanging an evolving customer base or meeting their need? Are we spending too much on trail construction and maintenance over historical interpretation and programming? These are but a few of the questions we need your help in answering.” The survey – a combination of multiple choice and open-ended questions – seeks to clarify how people access and utilize public lands, including state forests, parks and wildlife management areas, and if the department is meeting demands and needs.”
Darlene Welsh advised we still need a Trail Work Day coordinator for the Union Mills Trails. If you ride the trails in the Union Mills area and would be willing to lead 2 – 3 trail work days during the year, please contact Darlene Welsh at 443-289-8926.
Motion to adjourn by Dave Radcliffe; second by Peggy Miller. Meeting adjourned 8:40 p.m.
March 2018
General Meeting March 6, 2018
Location and Time:
Meeting held at Carroll County Office Building, 225 N. Center Street, Room 003-004 Lower Level, Westminster, MD and called to order at 7:30 by Darlene Welsh, President.
Jon Arnold, Lynda Arnold, Janet Breeding, Lori Cusick, Carolyn Garber, Peggy Miller, Dave Radcliffe, Stephanie Runion, Chelsea Warner, Darlene Welsh, Tina Shupp.
Secretary’s Report:
No meeting held in January/February. Motion to approve minutes of December 5, 2017 by Dave Radcliffe; second by Lynda Arnold. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
January 2018.
Equestrian Center Report: Lynda Arnold
Lynda Arnold reported the first date for Carroll County Western Circuit for the 2018 show season is 4/29/19 (not 4/20/18 as shown on CCEC website.) A deposit has been received from Burnt Woods Pony Club for a Mounted Games event on 5/12/18. The previously uncollected fee of $150 from KSGRA has been collected thanks to a letter sent from the Office of the County Attorney. The County contract for portable toilets with Freedom Septic has been renewed for 2018. The County contract with Phelps Lawn Care to mow the Equestrian Center was renewed.
No response from Lynda’s contact of Anne Petraseck in regards to a deposit refund check issued earlier and outstanding.
– No report
Old Business
Morgan Chapel UMC Food Pantry
Peggy Miller read a nice thank you note from the Morgan Chapel UMC Food Pantry for the items donated at the December meeting.
Special Volunteer of the Year Thanks
Carolyn Garber read a thank you note from “Buddy” Durilla who was recognized with his “people” Frank and Karen Durilla.
Trail Work Day at Piney Run 10/28/17
Social Dinner at Bud’s at Silver Run 10/17/17
this was the largest group to attend to date and included the celebration of 3 birthdays! Thanks to Darlene Welsh for a delicious cake shared by all!
4-H Therapeutic Riding Horse Fair Sunday, March 18, 2018 from 9 -2. Volunteers to help with the booth: Darlene Welsh, Janet Breeding, Lynda Arnold, Carolyn Garber, Joe Dragan.
Trail Work Days
Jon Arnold presented a map of three sections of trail that are steep, rocky and rutted out which makes it difficult for all trail users and proposed an extension and switchback to avoid the steep and rocky sections straight down the ridge. Jon also advised the website shows the first Gillis Falls Trail Work day on 4/20/18 which is not correct. Gillis Falls Trail Work Days: Saturday, April 28, 2018 and Sunday, September 16, 2018. FMI: Jon Arnold 301-524-8448 [email protected]
Carolyn Garber reported the dates have been approved by Patapsco Valley State Park for Morgan Run NEA. Lunch of hotdogs and drinks will be provided for those who volunteer that day. Morgan Run Trail Work Days: Sunday, May 6, 2018; Saturday, June 2, 2018; Sunday, July 8, 2018; (Sunday, August 12, 2018 if needed) Saturday, September 1, 2018; Sunday, October 7, 2018; Sunday, November 11, 2018. FMI: Carolyn Garber 410-549-5141.
Darlene Welsh reported for Bridget McCullough that a date has not yet been determined for Trail Work at Piney Run.
Darlene Welsh announced we need a Trail Work Day coordinator for the Union Mills Trails. If you ride the trails in the Union Mills area and would be willing to lead 2 – 3 trail work days during the year, please contact Darlene Welsh at
New Business
Special Programs
The topic of Nutrient Management was offered for consideration. Darlene Welsh will contact Janie Dell (Nutrient Management Advisor for Carroll County) to see if she would be available for a special program in May or June.
Social Dinner
Tuesday, March 20, 2018 6:00 p.m. at E.W. Beck’s Pub, 7565 Main Street, Sykesville. “E. W. Beck’s Restaurant & Pub is a family owned restaurant in Sykesville, Maryland. It was founded in 1992 by brothers, J. Scott Beck and Brian W. Beck.
Maryland Off Road Alliance
Darlene Welsh reported she had received a call from a representative of this organization regarding the ATVs on the trails at Gillis Falls. This organization also contacted the Carroll County Department of Recreation and Parks direct.
Discussion was held regarding the easy access to the Gillis Falls Trails by 4WD Pickups and ATVs at the lower parking lot on Grimville Road. A request to lock the county gate and install large rocks on each side of the gate will be made.
Sunday Hunting
TROT Save Our Sundays, Update on bills to expand Sundays for Hunting was distributed. House Bill 1338 and Senate Bill 817 are of particular importance. Jacquie Cowan is the TROT Liaison to the MHC Legislative Committee ([email protected]/410-215-4979)
Motion to adjourn by Dave Radcliffe; second by Chelsea Warner. Meeting adjourned 8:15 p.m.