Important Announcement re Piney Run Trails – undeveloped – 440 Martz Road, Sykesville, MD

2025 Piney Run Park Equestrian Permit Application and Release of Liability – PDF

Beginning on April 15, 2024, the east side access gate to Piney Run Park will be closed to vehicular traffic until further notice. This will allow this area of the park to environmentally recover given its heavy use in recent years. This access gate will continue to provide equestrian parking, since it is not permitted at the main park entrance. The main park entrance located at 30 Martz Road is available for regular vehicular traffic 7 days a week from 7:00AM to Sunset.

Information on the closure of the east side access gate to Piney Run Park is posted on both the main Carroll County Recreation and Parks website Carroll County Government | Carroll County, Maryland ( , as well as the Piney Run Park website Carroll County Government | Carroll County, Maryland (

All equestrians can use the east (undeveloped side) of Piney Run Park free of charge. To do so, they must complete and agree to the 2025 Piney Run Park Equestrian Permit Application and Release of Liability. Once approved, the applicant will be notified that they can pick up their permit and gate code from the front desk of the Robert Moton Center Recreation and Parks Office. The code will be on the back of the permit. Mailing of the permits to applicants requires a special envelope and additional postage. Because this is the first year of this process, it will be requested that applicants pick up their permits in person to ensure nothing is lost in the mail.


Poem for Trail Riders
Hunters are here
But have no fear
Your trail riding time
Doesn’t cost you a dime
Piney Run Park
The answer to embark

In plain English: There is no hunting within Piney Run Park and is open to trail riders year-round, free of charge; however, you must first complete an application and receive a gate code.

Step 1) Complete a Piney Run Park Equestrian Permit Application and Release of Liability.
Step 2) Submit the application to [email protected] for processing and approval.
Step 3) Once approved, pick up the permit and obtain your gate code.
Step 4) Enjoy the Piney Run trails! Remember to keep the gate locked at all times and keep the turn around area clear for others entering the area. GPS address: 440 Martz Road, Sykesville, MD 21784